“Treat Kidney Stones Naturally: Eat This Leaf with Mishri for Relief”

kidney stone problem

Are you struggling with kidney stones? If yes, you should definitely try this Ayurvedic remedy.

Drinking less water, high uric acid levels, excessive intake of calcium supplements, too much sugar, or high sodium intake are some common reasons for kidney stones. Do you know about the Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones? If not, you should learn about the Patharchatta plant.

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Patharchatta: A Natural Remedy for Kidney Stones

The Patharchatta plant, which is easily available, can be highly beneficial for your kidney health. To relieve kidney stone issues, you can use the leaves of this plant. Take one leaf of the Patharchatta plant and add a little mishri (rock sugar) to it. Grind both ingredients thoroughly and consume this mixture. Regular consumption can help you get rid of kidney stones.

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Consume with Lukewarm Water

You can also include Patharchatta leaves in your diet with lukewarm water. Take two leaves of the plant, wash them properly, and chew them with lukewarm water. Following this routine every morning on an empty stomach can help you overcome kidney stone problems effectively.

Include Yoga in Your Routine

Along with adding Patharchatta to your diet, you should also include some yoga asanas in your daily routine. According to Ayurveda, yoga poses like Yogamudrasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimottanasana, Kapalbhati, and Anulom-Vilom can help in relieving kidney stone problems. However, it is recommended to practice these asanas under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor.

If you have kidney stones, follow these precautions to manage the problem:

1.Drink Plenty of Water: Stay hydrated by drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily to flush out stones.

2. Avoid Certain Foods: Cut down on foods like spinach, beets, and chocolate, as they may cause stones.

3.Reduce Salt Intake: Eating too much salt can increase calcium in your urine, which can form stones.

4.Limit Calcium Supplements: Don’t take too much calcium as it can lead to stones, but include enough in your diet.

5.Eat Less Animal Protein: Skip sodas and sweet drinks as they can make stones worse.

6. Stay at a Healthy Weight: Being overweight can raise the risk of kidney stones.

7.See a Doctor: Regular checkups and advice are important to control the condition.

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