Planet Transit 2025
Planet Transit 2025: According to astrology, when planets enter from one zodiac sign to another, it is called Grah Gochar. All planets keep entering from one zodiac sign to another, which includes Sun, Rahu, Ketu, Moon. The movement of these planets from one zodiac sign to another affects the people of all these zodiac signs, in which the transit of some zodiac signs is for a short time and some for a longer time. The transit of Moon is the shortest while Saturn’s transit is for the longest time.
The movement of these planets from one zodiac sign to another can have a positive or negative effect on the people of these zodiac signs. Whereas when two planets are at an interval of 150 degrees from each other in the zodiac, then Shadashtak Yoga is formed. On Friday, 7 February, the Sun and Mars are conjoining due to which Shadashtak Yoga is being formed. According to astrology, this yoga is not considered auspicious. Due to the effect of this yoga, different types of people may have problems in health and wealth, but it is also auspicious for people of some zodiac signs. Let us know for which zodiac signs Shadashtak Yoga is auspicious and what will be its effect.
Aries Zodiac

Aries people will get immense benefits from the special Shadashtak Yoga formed by Planet Transit 2025. New energy and confidence will be born in the people of this zodiac and there will be a need to work hard, after which success can be achieved. People of this zodiac may be interested in spirituality and those who are doing jobs can get success in it, in which they can get the support of their senior officers and people of this zodiac can also get sudden financial benefits. Along with this, Aries people can also travel abroad and their financial condition can improve.
Leo zodiac sign

The Yoga Shadashtak Yoga formed by Planet Transit 2025 is also very fruitful for the people of Leo zodiac sign, those who are businessmen can get success in business related to the country and abroad and the employed people can get respect in their work field.
Virgo zodiac sign

The Shadashtak Yog formed by Planet Transit 2025 will be very fruitful for Virgo zodiac people as well, in this, people doing jobs and business will get progress in their work field and will get respect, along with this, the relationship with the spouse will remain good. Apart from this, unemployed people can also get jobs. There is also a possibility of those people whose old work is stuck getting done.
Capricorn Zodiac Sign
Planet Transit 2025 can prove to be very fruitful for Capricorns, due to this Yoga, people of this zodiac sign will get the support and cooperation of their family members. Relations with spouse will also be good and luck will also support you and financial condition will become better than before, people in jobs can also get respect.