Morning Yoga Poses
Morning Yoga Poses: If you also want to stay fit and healthy, then you must include yoga in your daily life, by doing regular yoga, not only will you feel energetic, but many diseases are also cured by it, along with this you also get mental peace, by doing yoga daily you feel healthy and your mind remains engaged in work and laziness goes away, if you start doing these yogasanas in your daily life, then you will feel energetic and healthy. Let us know about these Morning Yoga Poses-

Bhujangasana is a good asana in Morning Yoga Poses, which not only helps in reducing belly fat of your body but also makes you feel healthy. To do this, first lie down on the ground and then place your palms on the floor and straighten your shoulders and take them upwards and lift your chest up, now after this take a deep breath and then come back to this position. Do this at least 15 to 20 times daily, by doing this you will not only stay healthy but your fat will also start reducing rapidly.

This is very easy in Morning Yoga Poses. To do this, sit in meditation yoga posture by keeping your legs one over the other and hold your left wrist with your right hand from behind your back and pull your shoulders back and take a deep breath, then exhale and now bend forward, after this try to touch your head with the right knee, after this you again come back to the previous position, you must do this at least 10 to 15 times daily.

Trikonasana is also a very good asana in Morning Yoga Poses, Trikonasana means three corner asana, although it is a little difficult to do. To do this, stand with both your legs spread apart, after that bend to the left and touch your left foot and raise your right hand upwards, repeat this action several times. By doing this yogasana, it is also beneficial in increasing height and also gives a lot of relief in back pain, apart from this, this asana is also very beneficial for those who feel difficulty in walking.
Uttanpad Asana
These asanas are also beneficial for Morning Yoga Poses, Uttanpad means to do asana by raising your legs. To do this asana, first lie down, then keep both your hands straight down and raise both your legs up, now bend them 60 degrees and hold them up, after this exhale deeply. Now slowly bring your legs down. Repeat this process several times, by doing this yogasana your muscles are present and it is also very helpful in weight loss.