Morning Yoga poses: Do these 5 yogasanas after waking up in the morning, you will always remain healthy

Morning Yoga poses

Morning Yoga poses

Morning Yoga poses, doing yoga in the morning has many benefits which makes the body fit and healthy, let us know about some yoga poses which are very important for you to do

Morning Yoga poses for stay healthy: Due to the changing lifestyle and eating habits of today, people are very concerned about health, everyone wants to stay healthy, for which people include many types of healthy diet in their food and take the help of exercise and yoga. Yoga has been going on in our lives since ancient times, doing which is very beneficial for our health, if you also want to stay healthy and live a healthy life, then today we will tell you about some such important yoga poses, by doing which you can keep yourself healthy and fit, so let’s know about these yogasanas –

Cat Cow Pose In Morning

Morning Yoga poses 1

This is one such yoga asana that you can do as Morning Yoga poses, which gives you relief from waist, back and neck pain and it also strengthens the spine. To do this pose, rest both your hands and knees on the floor and keep your knees under your hips and wrists under the shoulders, after this, straighten your thighs and make a 90 degree cone on the knees and bend your head back, after this, exhale a long breath and bend your head down and place your chin on the chest, by doing this asana in this way, you will get a lot of relief from waist pain and neck pain and you will also feel healthy and energetic.

Dog Pose

Morning Yoga poses 2

This pose is also very beneficial for your health. Doing it early in the morning strengthens your spine and is also very helpful in relieving joint pain. To do this yogasana, stand straight and take both your hands backwards and bend towards the ground and keep your knees straight, after this stretch the palms of your hands forward and bend the knees like a bow and by doing this yogasana you can strengthen your bones and it also gives relief from your neck and stomach pain.

Bridge Pose

Morning Yoga poses

this pose in Morning Yoga poses is also very good and easy to keep you healthy. It helps in strengthening your stomach, shoulders, chest, thighs and also makes the skin glow. It also gives relief from back pain. To do this, bend your knees and keep your legs straight on the bed. After this, lie down on your back and press your legs and lift your shoulders up. Repeat this many times. It will give you immense relief in back pain.

Child Pose

This pose is also a very easy yoga asana in Morning Yoga poses which you can do comfortably on the bed. It relieves mental stress and for this keep your legs together and sit on the bed on your knees and sit backwards on your ankles, now repeat it by stretching your arms forward.

Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose asana is very good for Morning Yoga poses. It strengthens your spine as well as relieves you mentally from stress. To perform this yoga asana, first lie down on your stomach and keep your hands under your shoulders. Now take a deep breath and lift your head and chest up and keeping your elbows straight start pulling your shoulders backwards. Repeat this several times; it will strengthen your spine and relieve stress.

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