CEERI Recruitment 2024, CEERI Recruitment 2024 is recruiting 44 posts for which notification has been issued, in this you can apply till 7 January 2025, let us know about the eligibility of application and the process of application
CEERI Recruitment 2024
CEERI Recruitment 2024, Recruitment is being invited for various posts in Central Electrochemical Research Institute, in which applications have started from 8 December 2024 and the last date to apply is 7 January 2025. Those candidates who want to apply for these posts can apply online by visiting its official website before the last date. In this, 44 posts of scientist are being recruited for which some eligibility has been prescribed, let us know complete information about it in detail
Post Information
CEERI Recruitment 2024 is being recruited for 44 posts which include 33 posts of Scientist and 11 posts of Technical Assistant, those candidates who will fulfill all its eligibility can apply for these posts.
Educational Eligibility
Some educational qualifications have been prescribed for the candidates to apply in CEERI Recruitment 2024. Only candidates fulfilling these educational qualifications can apply in it. To apply for scientific posts, the candidate must have M Tech or PhD in the relevant subject, whereas for the posts of technical assistant, it is necessary to have BSc or Diploma in the relevant subject.
Age Eligibility
A certain age limit has been fixed for the applicant for recruitment to these posts in CEERI Recruitment 2024, in which the age limit of 32 years has been fixed for the posts of Scientist and 28 years of age limit has been fixed for the posts of Technical Assistant.
Selection Process
Candidates applying for these posts will be selected on the basis of the selection process in which the candidates will be shortlisted first, after that shortlisted candidates will be invited for written examination and candidates qualifying it will be called for interview, whereas for the post of Technical Assistant also trade and written examination will have to be given and the candidates selected in this will be finally selected and posted on these posts.
Candidates selected in CEERI Recruitment 2024 will be given a fixed pay scale in which the candidates selected for the scientist posts will be given a salary of Rs 1 lakh 1,00,989, for the posts of technical assistant, pay scale from Rs 35400 to Rs 1,12,400 will be given.
How to apply
To apply for CEERI Recruitment 2024, you can apply by visiting its official website and for more information, you can check all its information by visiting its recruitment notification.