Coffee Consumption: Often people start their day with tea or coffee, but do you know how harmful it can be for your health? If you consume coffee in large quantities then it can be harmful for your health. Coffee consumption can elevate your blood pressure and increase insulin and cholesterol. Apart from this, your arteries can also harden. It is bad for pregnent women and high blood pressure patient and Osteoporosis patients ,so they did not consume coffee . Let us know who should not consume coffee.
Sometimes the Coffee consumption can be very harmful for health, these people should not consume coffee even by mistake –
People suffering from anxiety disorder

Coffee consumption is not good for health so Those people who are suffering from anxiety disorder should not consume coffee, it increases their heart rate which greatly increases the possibility of heart attack, along with this it also increases the stress level and for such people who are suffering from anxiety disorder, it can prove to be very harmful, such people should not consume coffee.
Gastroesophageal reflux

People suffering from gastroesophageal reflux should not consume coffee. People who are suffering from this disease should not consume coffee because it increases the acidity in the body in excessive amounts. Drinking it increases the acid reflection and people start having acidity and heartburn problems. Therefore, such people should avoid consuming coffee. It increases the amount of acid in the stomach and sends it back to the esophagus, which causes many digestive problems.
Blood pressure patients
People who are suffering from blood pressure and those who have high blood pressure problem should avoid coffee consumption, its consumption increases BP and can cause heart problems, therefore blood pressure patients should not drink coffee while taking care of their health.
Pregnant women

Those women who are pregnant should not drink coffee, coffee contains a lot of caffeine, during pregnancy women go through various kinds of health problems, drinking coffee during this time can have a bad effect on the woman as well as her child and can cause various health related diseases in women, so coffee should not be drunk during pregnancy.
Osteoporosis patients
Those who have the problem of osteoporosis should also not consume coffee, in osteoporosis the bones become weak and even a small injury can cause fracture of the bones, this has a direct impact on the bones, so those who have the problem of osteoporosis should avoid the consumption of coffee.