If you want to keep your heart, liver, and kidneys healthy, you should turn to Ayurveda and yoga. Let’s see how they can help.
Do you know about the 5AM Club? It’s an exclusive club around the world that doesn’t charge any money, and there are no membership criteria or waiting lists. Joining is entirely up to you, and once you enter the 5AM Club, you’ll be on your way to becoming healthier, wealthier, and wiser. You’re probably excited to learn more about the address and how to join. Well, you don’t need to go anywhere to join this club—just wake up at 5 AM. Also, follow the 20-20-20 rule: spend the first 20 minutes on yoga, the next 20 minutes on pranayama and meditation, and the last 20 minutes on self-study. By doing this, your mind, heart, health, and soul will be in perfect balance.

To strengthen your health, you also need to make your evening routine perfect. Have dinner between 7 and 8 PM. Limit the use of electronic gadgets after 9 PM. Spend some quality time with your family, and before sleeping, read at least 10 pages of a good book. Try to be in bed by 10 PM. People around the world are following this routine and living a healthy and happy life as members of the 5AM Club. “At some point, stop being lazy—ask yourself, why not be healthy?” It’s not too late; learn yoga poses step by step from Swami Ramdev.
Following a poor lifestyle can lead to several health problems, such as joint pain, thyroid issues, eye diseases, heart problems, high blood pressure, and sugar. It can also cause digestive problems, cancer, and even Parkinson’s disease. To start your day in a healthy way, consider drinking Giloy-Aloe Vera juice, going for a 20-minute walk, and practicing yoga for 15 minutes. You can also drink a juice made from cucumber, bitter gourd, and tomatoes to boost your health further.
To stay young for up to 100 years, it’s important to laugh openly and practice laughter yoga. Reducing anger, developing the habit of forgiving, and maintaining friendships are also essential. Take time for your hobbies and engage in social work to keep your mind active. To protect your kidneys, work out regularly, control your weight, and avoid smoking. Drink plenty of water, stay away from junk food, and try not to rely too much on painkillers.