Mulethi is a cure all for problems like cough and cold, learn right way to consume it


Mulethi (Liquorice) is a powerful remedy for several health issues, including cough and cold. It has many benefits and can help treat various problems. To get the most out of it, it’s important to know the correct way to consume it.

Have you ever tried Mulethi, which is packed with medicinal properties? If not, you should learn about the amazing health benefits of this herb.

BENEFITS OF mulethi 1

Mulethi contains a good amount of nutrients like phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, nitrogen, and copper. In Ayurveda, it is recommended to consume Mulethi. By consuming it in the right amount and the right way, you can say goodbye to many health problems for good. Let’s learn how.

Benfits of consuming Mulethi

Beneficial for the Throat

If you often face problems like cold, cough, and flu during the winter, start chewing Mulethi. Alternatively, you can drink Mulethi water instead of chewing it. Mulethi tea can also be beneficial for your throat. The compounds in Mulethi may help strengthen your immune system.

Improves Gut Health

Mulethi can help improve your gut health. It can be included in your daily diet to relieve issues like acidity and indigestion. Additionally, the anti-cancer properties found in Mulethi can help reduce the risk of dangerous and life-threatening diseases like cancer.

Relieves Asthma

Some compounds in Mulethi can provide relief from asthma. If you are struggling with bad breath, adding Mulethi to your daily diet can help. Surprisingly, consuming Mulethi is not only good for your health but also for your skin.

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